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We’re back for part five of our five-part mini series featuring tips and tricks from our very own experts – Guardian Self Storage Property Managers! Today’s article will help you de-clutter and transform your space – whether it’s your house, office or storage unit.  Being in a cluttered environment can cause you to feel overwhelmed and ultimately cause you to push off de-cluttering because it seems like a huge mountain to climb. Read our Property Managers’ tips and tricks to tackle the clutter head-on.

If you don’t use it often, but do use it enough, store it… You may need it.  De-cluttering and staging a space is key when putting a home on the market.  Renting a storage room for this time of year to “show” a place is sensible.  When de-cluttering, you also want to “de-personalize” the space.

Make the room feel airy and open. Keep corners empty and clear. The less stuff the more space you feel in the room.

Get a storage unit – it can help you sort out what you want to keep or get rid of.  If you’re de-cluttering to sell your home, put away all personal items and even large pieces of furniture in storage.

Donate any unused/unwanted items before you move.

Use shelves in your storage unit to store more items in an organized manner.

Always label your boxes for an easier time finding what you’re looking for later.

A good rule of thumb; if you haven’t used it in the past 6 months, pack it away in your storage unit to make room at home.

Obviously it makes sense, when de-cluttering in a small apartment for instance, to at least store your seasonal items in a smaller unit so they are not taking up all your closet space when not in use. You also need to make the decision: should I just throw this out or give it away? Do I really need/want this item anymore? It will go a long way to saving you money for storing your items in the best cost effective size that is right for you.

De-cluttering helps you free up space and gets you organized. A storage unit allows you to have more workable space at home, and less clutter. Patio furniture or snow blowers and take up space in the off-season, why not put them away in storage?

In my storage unit I have shelving units and I have plywood to make a loft area for things I do not always need or very delicate items.

If de-cluttering to sell your home, clear counters of small appliances. Box and store them so that people can envision their own stuff in the home. Also, make your dining room look bigger by remove any leafs from the dining table.


LET IT GO!! If you haven’t used an item in a year, sell it on line, have a yard sale, give it away, donate it, throw it out or rent a small storage room for those items you just can part with but are taking up room in the garage where your car should be parked.

If you’ve been following our mini series from the beginning, you’ve learned our Property Managers’ tips and tricks on moving, packing, storing, unpacking and now de-cluttering! We hope you found this mini-series helpful. Stay tuned to Guardian’s blog for more helpful insights!